Print Media  |  Tue - August 19, 2014 3:25 am  |  Article Hits:3630
THE GLOBE AND MAIL - The ponds near Melanie Gisler's Corvallis, Ore., home were lousy with bullfrogs. Whenever the restoration ecologist went hiking, the banks would come alive as they hopped to safety.  MORE
Website  |  Sun - May 4, 2014 3:21 am  |  Article Hits:3921
GULF SEAFOOD INSTITUTE - Louisiana Chef Philippe Parola has had his eye on the Asian carp situation in Louisiana for several years, and he is not shy about expressing his worry and frustration over the slow bureaucracy of addressing what he sees as a serious threat to the ecosystem and the state’s multi-million dollar recreational and commercial fishing industry.  MORE
Website  |  Thu - March 27, 2014 3:14 am  |  Article Hits:3703
MODERN FARMER - Eating your enemies used to be the stuff of cannibal horror movies. Now it's actually condoned by many authorities and can be practiced openly at barbecues, potlucks and picnics. As long as we're talking about consuming invasive plants and animals, that is.  MORE
Print Media  |  Thu - July 11, 2013 3:05 am  |  Article Hits:3218
The Atlantic = Chefs are serving up invasive species like knotweed and snakehead fish -- and diners are enjoying them. How a growing food movement could also be good for the environment.  MORE
Print Media  |  Thu - October 27, 2011 11:49 am  |  Article Hits:4107
Oct. 27--ALTON -- Tasting is believing when it comes to realizing Asian carp as a delicacy and an
economy boost.

"I broke the code of this fish," French chef Philippe Parola said Tuesday at the dedication ceremony for the Jerry F. Costello National Great Rivers Research and Education Center Confluence Field Station. "It took a chef to break the code of this fish."  MORE
Print Media  |  Fri - October 21, 2011 11:27 am  |  Article Hits:3938
GRAFTON -- For anyone who missed New Orleans-based French chef Philippe Parola on his
last River Bend visit, he returns this weekend and Tuesday to demonstrate fish preparation
techniques.  MORE
Website  |  Tue - September 27, 2011 4:02 am  |  Article Hits:2607
VOA NEWS - "The Asian carp, a species of fish brought from China to the U.S. several decades ago, is a growing concern in the midwest state of Illinois. The number of Asian carp in the state’s waterways has soared in recent years, choking out many native fish species.   MORE
Print Media  |  Tue - September 13, 2011 3:59 am  |  Article Hits:5661
ILLINOIS - "Most people don't equate Asian carp with fun, but more than 30 people who attended a presentation and cooking demonstration by Chef Philippe Parola at the Neighborhood Co-op on Friday were entertained as well as educated.  MORE
Video Media  |  Mon - September 5, 2011 4:06 am  |  Article Hits:5393
FRANCE 2 TV - America's Asian Carp Invasion has made the news all the way to France. See Chef Philippe Parola cooking Asian carp and talking about the problem and solution IN FRENCH on a France 2 TV news cast! Click the video to see the news cast.  MORE
Print Media  |  Mon - August 1, 2011 4:18 am  |  Article Hits:12789
In the face of an invasion, sometimes you have to dig in. The only mystery about the carp in the pond near Jackson Landers's parents' house in Free Union, Virginia, is how best to catch them. These carp had arrived without fanfare, Landers explains.  MORE