Print Media  |  Thu - July 11, 2013 3:05 am  |  Article Hits:3462
The Atlantic = Chefs are serving up invasive species like knotweed and snakehead fish -- and diners are enjoying them. How a growing food movement could also be good for the environment.  MORE
Print Media  |  Thu - October 27, 2011 11:49 am  |  Article Hits:4355
Oct. 27--ALTON -- Tasting is believing when it comes to realizing Asian carp as a delicacy and an
economy boost.

"I broke the code of this fish," French chef Philippe Parola said Tuesday at the dedication ceremony for the Jerry F. Costello National Great Rivers Research and Education Center Confluence Field Station. "It took a chef to break the code of this fish."  MORE
Print Media  |  Fri - October 21, 2011 11:27 am  |  Article Hits:4184
GRAFTON -- For anyone who missed New Orleans-based French chef Philippe Parola on his
last River Bend visit, he returns this weekend and Tuesday to demonstrate fish preparation
techniques.  MORE
Print Media  |  Tue - September 13, 2011 3:59 am  |  Article Hits:5812
ILLINOIS - "Most people don't equate Asian carp with fun, but more than 30 people who attended a presentation and cooking demonstration by Chef Philippe Parola at the Neighborhood Co-op on Friday were entertained as well as educated.  MORE
Print Media  |  Mon - August 1, 2011 4:18 am  |  Article Hits:13012
In the face of an invasion, sometimes you have to dig in. The only mystery about the carp in the pond near Jackson Landers's parents' house in Free Union, Virginia, is how best to catch them. These carp had arrived without fanfare, Landers explains.  MORE
Print Media  |  Sat - June 11, 2011 3:54 am  |  Article Hits:3217
BATON ROUGE - "While scientists have been battling to keep a ravenous, invasive fish species out of the Great Lakes, some worry that spring floods along the Mississippi River may be spreading the Asian carp downstream.  MORE
Print Media  |  Thu - May 19, 2011 12:04 am  |  Article Hits:108050
Chef Philippe Parola was invited by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGCF) to attend an ANSTF
workshop in Little Rock Arkansas.  MORE
Print Media  |  Tue - April 5, 2011 3:04 am  |  Article Hits:3006
OUR MISSISSIPPI - Multi-front ‘war’ aims to stop invasive species spread  MORE
Print Media  |  Tue - March 1, 2011 3:46 am  |  Article Hits:4641
LIVESCIENCE.COM - "Invasive, plankton-sucking Asian carp might become less of a menace, some suggest, if we ate them for dinner."   MORE
Print Media  |  Mon - February 28, 2011 6:38 am  |  Article Hits:3209
The Atlantic - Last August, Philippe Parola was fishing in a bayou near Pierre Part, in southwestern Louisiana. Parola, a French chef who came to the United States in the early 1980s, had been asked by producers from the Food Network program Extreme Cuisine with Jeff Corwin to catch an alligator gar, a toothy fish popular with sport fishermen in the region.  MORE