Chef: Demand as food could solve Asian carp nuisance
Print Media  |  Wed - November 3, 2010 3:48 am  |  Article Hits:5185
Chef Philippe Parola
Chef Philippe Parola
Chef: Demand as food could solve Asian carp nuisance
BY TERRY HILLIG • > 618-659-2075 | Posted: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 12:00 am

GRAFTON • The Chilean sea bass served at many high-end restaurants wasn't nearly as appealing back when it was called
Patagonian toothfish.

A Louisiana chef and a group of Grafton-area entrepreneurs are banking on a similar makeover for the dreaded, despised Asian
carp, an invader from China that has relentlessly crowded out more popular species in Midwestern waters for more than a

They want to change its name — to 'silverfin" — and its reputation and in the bargain control its growing numbers.
"Can't beat 'em? Eat 'em!" says Philippe Parola, a French-born chef who has developed processing and preparation methods
that he thinks will soon make the fish a popular American food item.

"We have a gold mine here," Parola said. "Can we make use of this fish? Yes, we can."   MORE...
