Louisiana Rolls Out "Silverfin Promotion" for Carp
Website  |  Wed - January 13, 2010 3:13 am  |  Article Hits:2193
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Louisiana Rolls Out "Silverfin Promotion" for Carp

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) with Chef Philippe Parola today announced the
"Silverfin Promotion" that will strive to create a commercial and recreational market for the non-native bighead
and silver carp.

Included in LDWF's plan for silver and bighead carp is creating a demand for the white, delicious meat these fish
possess. LDWF has proposed changing the name of silver and bighead carp meat to "Silverfin" for marketing and
packaging purposes.

"After sampling the fish for its taste appeal and meeting with Chef Philippe, both LDWF and the chef decided to
change the name from silver and bighead carp to the more appetizing Silverfin," said LDWF Inland Fisheries
Administrator Gary Tilyou. "The biggest obstacle to market this fish was getting past the negative connotation
that the word carp brings. Once people taste the fish for themselves they will soon realize that Silverfin belongs
on the table. On top of tasting good, Silverfin are also rich in omega 3."

At the announcement Chef Philippe Parola, Chef Cullen Lord of Flemmings Restaurant and Darryl Rivere of A la
Carte Foods prepared Silverfin recipes for everyone attending.  MORE...