LA Wildlife & Fisheries and Chef Philippe Parola Launch "Silverfin"
Website  |  Sun - February 27, 2011 2:14 am  |  Article Hits:2744
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
LA Wildlife & Fisheries and Chef Philippe Parola Launch "Silverfin"
February 27, 2011  |   |  Website Article

The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and Chef Philippe Parola, in an effort to produce a
demand for two species of Asian carp, the silver and bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
and H. nobilis), are launching the "Silverfin Promotion." Both species of carp are exotic to U.S.
waters and are causing major problems where they become established. They have been very
prolific in the Mississippi River and all tributaries and distributaries of the river. Both species are
filter feeders and directly compete with paddlefish (spoonbill catfish), shad and the very young of
all species of recreational and commercial fish. In many northern waterbodies, these species
have already replaced native populations of fish. In addition to being an ecological threat, the
silver carp is a direct threat to boaters and others that use our waterbodies. These fish, which
can weigh 60 pounds, have a habit of jumping out of the water when disturbed by boats. Boaters
and skiers have been severely injured by these fish. The fish have also damaged equipment on
boats such as windshields, radios, GPS units and depth finders.  MORE...