Chef Philippe Parola at the ANSTF Workshop
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Thu - May 19, 2011
12:04 am
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Chef Philippe Talking About Asian Carp to the ANTSF
Chef Philippe Parola at the ANSTF Workshop
May 15, 2011 | | Cody Sibley
Chef Philippe Parola was invited by the Arkansas Game
and Fish Commission (AGCF) to attend an Aquatic Nuisance
Species Task Force(ANSTF) workshop and cook Asian carp
for the ANSTF members in attendance. With the help of
the AGCG staff, Chef Philippe prepared and served over
100 pounds of silver carp, which is the most aggressive,
dangerous, and prolific of the two nuisance species of
carp. The ANSTF members were more than willing to
taste test the carp and raved about the flavor and texture
of the fish.