Asian Carp, aka Silverfin - Good Eating if Prepared Correctly?
Print Media  |  Wed - February 24, 2010 6:26 pm  |  Article Hits:2263
Preparing Silverfin aka Asian Carp
Preparing Silverfin aka Asian Carp
Asian Carp, aka Silverfin - Good Eating if Prepared Correctly?
February 24, 2010  |  | Mark Maynard, Ypsilanti Blogger

Ypsilanti blogger Mark Maynard writes in a recent post:

Speaking of Asian carp, I find it interesting that, of the now twenty-some articles I’ve read on the
subject, I haven’t come across a single mention of how the giant fish taste. I mean, I want them out of
the Great Lakes - don’t get me wrong - but, at least if they tasted good, there would be something of an
upside to having these giant, 75-pound missiles shooting out of Lake Michigan and killing boaters.

The surest way to keep a population in check is to eat it. Here's what I've found to help you prepare
what Louisiana chefs have dubbed the "silverfin." It's traditional for Catholics to eat fish during Lent, so
this is timely.  READ MORE... 