"Yes, We Can" Eat Asian Carp, Chef Says
Print Media  |  Thu - October 27, 2011 11:49 am  |  Article Hits:4402
Silverfin aka Asian Carp (Credit:  Cody Sibley)
Silverfin aka Asian Carp (Credit: Cody Sibley)
"Yes, We Can" Eat Asian Carp, Chef Says
October 27, 2011  |  AllBusiness  |  Author Unknown

ALTON -- Tasting is believing when it comes to realizing Asian carp as a delicacy and an
economy boost.

"I broke the code of this fish," French chef Philippe Parola said Tuesday at the dedication ceremony for
the Jerry F. Costello National Great Rivers Research and Education Center Confluence Field Station. "It
took a chef to break the code of this fish."

Parola said taxpayers' money is being wasted in science studying the Asian carp invasion problem,
when taxpayers could be saving by eating this clean, good fish.

"Yes, we can," exclaimed Parola, who lives in New Orleans, is president and CEO of Chef Parola
Enterprises, stars in his own television series and has his own culinary school and accessory line.