Another Helping . . . of Carp?
Print Media  |  Wed - January 26, 2011 11:08 am  |  Article Hits:2770
A Helping of Asian Carp
A Helping of Asian Carp
Another Helping . . . of Carp?
January 26, 2011  |  AllBusiness  |  Author Unknown

With apologies to Chef Jeff, today's recipes are for dumplings, chowder, croquettes, quiche
and enchiladas, all featuring one savory, inexpensive and readily available ingredient.


No, wait! Don't turn up your nose! Carp may be classified as a rough fish, pale and bloated and known
by such names as bugle mouth and hose lips, but carp as food -- good and plentiful and cheap food --
is the thing right now.

Patriotic, even.

You've read or heard, maybe, about the Asian carp invading America's lakes and rivers, hefty 30-
pounders threatening other species 